Valleys Of Valhalla by Gino Vannelli Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Valleys Of Valhalla” by Gino Vannelli from the album A Pauper in Paradise (1977)? More than 129 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Valleys Of Valhalla”.

Valleys Of Valhalla en Lyrics [Gino Vannelli]
Valleys Of Valhalla English Lyrics Album A Pauper in Paradise

Quote from the song “Valleys Of Valhalla” by Gino Vannelli

Take me to heaven
On this cold norwegian night
My skin is unleaven
Untouched and so unsanctified
Feel the flame that burns my pegan soul

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Valleys Of Valhalla lyrics [Gino Vannelli]

Gino Vannelli: Valleys Of Valhalla Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Valleys Of Valhalla” Released in 1977

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Valleys Of Valhalla” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Take me to heaven
On this cold norwegian night
My skin is unleaven
Untouched and so unsanctified
Feel the flame that burns my pegan soul

This sacred ingression
Is a sooth-said rhapsody
This carnel connection
Ignites my flesh with fantasy

A holocaust of love is rising now
Feel the fire
You inspire
Take me to the valleys of valhalla

A holocaust of love is rising now
Feel the fire
You inspire
Take me to the valleys of valhalla