Starchild by Elujay Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Starchild” by Elujay from the album Adojio (2018)? More than 137 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Starchild”.

Starchild en Lyrics [Elujay]
Starchild English Lyrics Album Adojio

Quote from the song “Starchild” by Elujay

She's on my mind
She's on my mind
You're on my mind
Oh, starchild
She's on my mind
She's on my mind
Won't you come down
Oh, starchild, yeah, yeah

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Starchild lyrics [Elujay]

Elujay: Starchild Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Starchild”

  • Produced: Coldwaterchris, HXNS, Aabo
  • Written: Elujay
  • Additional Keys: Kev
  • Mastered: John Greenham
  • Mixed: Jorge Gutierrez
  • Release Date: May 11, 2018

Starchild lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Starchild lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Starchild” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Starchild” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


She's on my mind
She's on my mind
You're on my mind
Oh, starchild
She's on my mind
She's on my mind
Won't you come down
Oh, starchild, yeah, yeah

[Verse 1]

Drifting out of space
Check your time of day, yeah
I need to know the stars align
When I seen it miles away
Picture-perfect frame
Baby come down, I really want to feel your light, yeah


She's on my mind
She's on my mind
You're on my mind
Oh, starchild
She's on my mind
She's on my mind
Won't you come down
Oh, starchild, yeah, yeah

[Verse 2]

Shifted state of mind
Coined by God's design
Wisdom gained from astroplaning, yeah, yeah
Eat a couple caps with you, girl
Wanna see the cosmic universe
You and I only made of stardust


When the stars don't shine for you, girl
Got you looking right past the moon
And the sun, for the place and the shade
Oh the simple things, always complicated
We're only made of stardust
I wanna see you, beyond this earth
Won't you come down for me?


She's on my mind
She's on my mind
You're on my mind
Oh, starchild
She's on my mind
She's on my mind
Won't you come down
Oh, starchild, yeah, yeah

Starchild performed by Elujay alternate

Starchild Performed by Elujay Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Starchild”

  • ℚ. What was the process of making the song like?

    Verified CommentaryElujay

    The process and how the record came together, was me creating roughly 30 versions of the song before finding the finished product – it was a lot of wash, rinse and repeat. Chris started playing these fire chords, then I made drum loops, sent it over to Aaron, my bassist, while HXNS finished it off. That about sums up how it came together.

  • ℚ. What inspired it?

    Verified CommentaryElujay

    Starchild was inspired by a number of love situations in my past while taking the best moments from each relationship. It was also inspired by the wisdom that I gained from each of the women that I’ve dated.